Graduate Studies

Courses and other requirements

Please review the studies section on the Graduate School website for important information on the course of study and a variety of other relevant subjects.

Language Study and Research Ethics

Please note the requirement to pass a language course.
You may not submit a research proposal without having passed the Research Ethics course.

Finding an Advisor

The importance of finding the right advisor cannot be overstated and you should give this issue your attention as soon as you begin studying toward your degree. By enrolling in courses related to the fields you are interested in studying, and getting to know the instructors, you can more readily explore the possibility of reaching out to them as potential advisors. Participating in faculty seminars and colloquia can be another effective way to identify potential advisors.

If you have already chosen a research topic, you can find out which professors are involved in that particular area of research and approach them directly. You can find a list of faculty members and details on their research interests and publications here, and the research areas they refer to – here. Finally, you can and should ask your temporary advisor for help finding a permanent advisor.

Registering for Courses

If you wish to register for a course after registration has closed, please fill out a request to change the study program form, have the instructor of the course and your advisor sign it, and note your reason for enrolling late.

For a list of all the courses offered in the department, see the course list.

Mandatory Courses

Graduates of four-year bachelor programs need to acquire 18 credit points in the course of their master’s studies.

Students who graduated a three-year program need to acquire 30 credit points, while choosing at least six computer science courses, which are neither a project, nor an advanced topic, nor a seminar, from at least four different groups within the 11 specializations groups, of the Four-Year General Track. For more information and list of the specialization groups, please refer to the catalog.

Graduates of three-year programs must complete 30 credits: The student must choose at least 6 subjects of the Faculty of Computer Science from 4 different groups (from the 11 groups of electives in the four-year track that are not projects, advanced topics or seminars). More information and the list of groups can be found in the Graduate catalog.

As part of Graduate Studies, a thesis of 20 credits must be completed, and in addition, 2 credits must be completed in the “Extended English” course.

The courses Computer Architecture (236267) and Theory of Computation (236343) are obligatory.

Students who have not taken them during their B.Sc studies are required to take them during their M.Sc. studies.

Students who switch to the Direct Doctoral track are required to take these courses.
Students of the regular Ph.D. track are exempt from this requirement.

Seminars Requiring Prior Approval

Please note that some seminars require pre-registration with the course staff (the notification appears in the course’s general information).

Credits for Scholarship Recipients

There are specific requirements for accruing credits for students on scholarship. See details on the Accumulation of Credit Points page.


Computer Science Department, Technion, Graduate Studies, Anna Kleiner: 073-378-4226 email / Sharon Emuna: 073-378-4342 email