Graduate Studies

Information for Teaching Assistants

First Login to GR and Webcourse System

This page provides basic information about login to GR/Webcourse. Full information is available in the GR/Webcourse system under Help.

Opening a course account

To open a course account, please contact the Teaching Coordinator ( by email only, stating the account names (in csf; tx or t2 may also be used) for the course staff members with entry permission (lecturers and teaching assistants). For example: username (or username@csf or username@tx). For technical reasons, the system cannot connect csf accounts (the Faculty Windows domain) to the Technion accounts (tx/t2). Accordingly, only the password for the defined account should be used.

Login to the course account

On the page, enter your account name (in the username field) and your password in csf (or tx, if you have given the Teaching Coordinator your tx account), and login to the GR system. Your username can be a username, which the system will complete automatically to username@csf or username@tx by informed guessing. In rare cases, however, when the system cannot guess, the username must be entered in full format: username@csf or username@tx or username@t2.

On the first login to a course account, you will be entered to one of the courses for which you are authorized. On the first entry to a course, you may be asked to provide an email address (the cs or tx account you used to enter the system will be offered as a default). On the first entry to the Webcourse course account, you will be able to choose whether to copy the previous semester site or create  a new site. The list of semesters offered includes the last six semesters in which the course was given during the past 10 years, and courses that the system guesses are relevant to you.

If you have permissions for several courses, or for several semesters for the same course, you can switch between these inside the system.

After login you can use the system help menus to access additional information.

Access as students in a course

Webcourse is accessible to students as, when nnnnnn stands for the course number (e.g. 234114). GR is accessible to students at

User names and passwords

The interface at accepts standard Technion usernames and passwords (i.e. t2, tx, and campus).

To receive / stop receiving course email notice

Students registered for a course begin to receive course notifications to their email account. If you want to stop receiving these emails, enter your account at and mark that you do not wish to receive email under Settings->AutoUpdate. This solution works specifically in a case when a student has cancelled his/her registration for a course but is continuing to receive email.


Computer Science Department, Technion, Graduate Studies, Anna Kleiner: 073-378-4226 email / Sharon Emuna: 073-378-4342 email