Graduate Studies

Graduation Stage Duties

Required Coursework Form

Use this form to report the completion of mandatory and additional required courses for graduates of the three-year bachelor’s degree.

Master’s students (Word)

Direct Doctoral students (Word)

Ph.D. students on the regular track do not need to report completed course requirements.


You must verify that a grade has been registered for each of the courses you completed. Please review your transcript and verify that grades have been properly recorded. If there are excess courses that you do not wish to include on your final transcript, please file a request to exclude excess courses (Word).

Thesis & Direct Track Seminar Lecture

More details in Thesis & Direct Track Seminar Lecture page.

Toward the end of their Master’s and Doctoral research, candidates must lead a seminar session describing their study and research outcomes. Likewise, candidates requesting to transfer to a direct doctoral track must first complete a seminar presentation. The date of the seminar session should be scheduled with the graduate studies coordinator, with the advisor’s consent.

The Graduate School’s instructions for publishing your seminar lecture are available here. Download and edit this template. Keep special attention to the time and place format (leave them in the exact format as in the template). Also note that all fields except ‘Abstract’ must be on a single line. Edit with a simple editor: vi, Emacs, Notepad, not MS-Word, for example.

Once you have completed those steps, please send the file to Maya Sidis, who will share it via the departmental list-serve system. The system will automatically add the seminar to the existing roster of lectures on the departmental website (may take up to half-an-hour) and will send notification of the upcoming seminar, roughly three days prior to the lecture, to the CS-GRAD-SEMINARS-L distribution list (which includes faculty, Master’s and Doctoral graduate students, the graduate studies coordinator, the Technion distribution list – – as well as to anyone who wishes to be added to the list). The system will not send further automatic reminders and we ask that you refrain from sending broad-scale reminders as well.

Seminar lectures for Master’s and Doctoral candidates must be delivered at least two weeks before submitting your thesis and may be delivered as early as a year before submission. To avoid last-minute problems, we recommend holding your seminar session at least two months before submitting your thesis.

Direct Ph.D. Track Seminar: In addition to publishing in departmental distribution, the seminar should be published also to the referees. The direct track seminar will be published as an M.Sc. seminar (M.Sc. Thesis Seminar).

It is advisable to give your lecture during either the winter or spring semesters, rather than during the summer semester when faculty members and advisors tend to be less available.

To avoid last-minute problems, it is advisable to hold the seminar lecture at least two months before submitting the essay.

More Notes:
1. Before publicizing the date of your seminar lecture, please check with your advisor that the date is suitable for him/her. The date should not be changed once the lecture has been publicized.

2. If there are scheduling changes nonetheless, please resend the information to Maya Sidis, and note that you are updating an existing notification. If the original notification remains on the site, let Rivka know so that she can remove it. Other details can be modified, if necessary, via the same process, while noting that you are updating an existing notification. The system will not send out an update following modifications. You may send your own notification of scheduling changes to: CS-GRAD -SEMINARS-L

3. Any notification that goes out via the department distribution list and on the department website will appear under your name. If your name has changed or does not appear in the student index, please contact Maya Sidis for update (prior to sending out the notification).

4. To confirm that your notification has been registered by the system, check the lecture schedule on the department website to make sure your lecture appears. If it does, the list-serve will automatically send out a notification roughly three days before your lecture, as stated above. The seminar lecture will also appear on the Technion Seminar Calendar few hours after it has been registered on the department website.

5. Any form of notification other than the one described above will not be recognized as the official notification required. Specifically, a seminar lecture integrating a separate field seminar (like the Pixel Club) should be publicized both on the field seminar mailing list as well as via the distribution channel detailed above.

6. More details in Thesis & Direct Track Seminar Lecture page.

Final Approval by the Examination Committee

Exam Committee for Master’s students (Word)
Exam Committee for Ph.D. students (Word)

The advisor is responsible for submitting a request to the examinations committee.
Please note that final exams of Master’s students require a week for the department to process.

Please note further that submitting requests for final Ph.D. examinations to the exam committee requires the approval of the Graduate Faculty Committee, which meets periodically. Ph.D. candidates should thus check with the graduate studies coordinator for scheduling purposes. Once you have met all of your departmental graduation requirements, your exam committee will be sent to the Graduate Procedures Office. After receiving committee approval, you may submit your thesis and schedule a final exam date.

Computer Science Department, Technion, Graduate Studies, Anna Kleiner: 073-378-4226 email / Sharon Emuna: 073-378-4342 email